I am thrilled to finally be able to write about the big decision that has been made in our family! A decision that has been prayed about for months and months; a plan that God has known about since the beginning of time-a plan that He allowed us to be a part of. We have decided to expand our family through adoption. We have just started the process of adopting a baby boy from Ethiopia. God has definitely been making adoption a clear direction to us in many many ways, and we would love to share some with you if you'd like! We are more than THRILLED to embark on this journey. We are adopting with the agency America World Adoption.
So here we go, in anywhere between 12-18 months, we hope to bring home the sweet baby boy that God has chosen for us. Prayer would be greatly appreciated; not just for us, but also for our future son and his birth mother. Please pray for her safety and pray that the Lord will protect her and have His hand over her life. Please pray for us as we embark on this journey-pray for wisdom for those we are working with, for patience in this process, pray for the government-both American and Ethiopian-they both play a part in our adoption journey. Pray for His people. My God is a big God, and He will do GREAT things.
And ps..about the picture at the top...we weren't ever REALLY on amazing race, that was our Halloween costume from a few years ago but I thought it was kind of a fitting picture for this post. :)
"Once our eyes are opened, we can't pretend we don't know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls knows what we know and holds us responsible to act."
Proverbs 24:12
LOVE THIS!!!!!! Congratulations you guys! So glad the secret is out!!! Looking forward to following your journey and I'm SO happy you went with AWAA!!! Wahoo!! Now you have to join the Yahoo group and the FB group. Oh man, it's so amazing! Cannot wait to watch God work!!!! I am ALL smiles!!!!!!!!! :)
Lindsey :)
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