Thursday, July 25, 2013

What started with a simple email...

What started as a simple email (actually now that I think about it, I think it was a facebook message) from a friend has turned into an amazing God written story.

What started with a "would you be interested.." turned into a lawyer telling us on the phone yesterday "I anticipate travel in October sometime, as long as things keep moving"

What started long ago as a question posed by a family member has turned into a village standing with us as we begin to bring home our first child. And as we continue to prepare for our little Ethiopian to join us after little man comes home!

What started as two little boys in two difference countries who still don't know about each other,  will end as two little boys united as brothers. Sharing bunk beds (ok maybe) and talking late into the night, sharing secrets, catching bugs, making messes.

What started as a simple yes...has turned into SO much more.

We're on day 4 as the featured family on Give1Save1, we are amazed at the amount of people who have given and are sharing our story to bring our little man home.  He has no idea about you all yet, but will soon!

We still have a few days left, and mountains are being moved through all of you!

Thank you!
Thank you!

If you haven't seen our most recent total update video..

And that total has risen to $1,143 as of right now!

There's still time to get involved check out the link below for more information, we couldn't do this without you all!

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