Monday, December 3, 2012

Thankful: Unlikely circumstances for good

My friend Sear suggested that I jump on the blog challenge of blogging everyday for the month of December.  Let me tell you, my finding something everyday to be thankful about? That's tough, which seems so dumb to me because I have SO much to be thankful for, but when you're searching for's kinda hard.  But it has been SOOOOO good. My day is so different when I approach it with thankfulness.  Especially for me since I've chosen to document my thankfulness with a picture, it seems to be even harder because somethings just can't be photographed to justify how thankful I am for them.  

So, here I am jumping on the blog train and trying to blog every day in December, here's my post from yesterday, nothing all that exciting and I don't have anything from December 1st, cut me some slack. But I do have todays and I plan on having one post a day from today on out... I'm not sure what each post will look like. 

I'll just jump in with a little TMI....I've had an awful cold type thing the past few days...Like, you know that NyQuil commercial where they show the people sleeping all weird and snoring and stuffing tissues up there nose (I told you TMI) that's my life.  Literally I feel like a little kid where "one side" of my nose works and the other doesn't.  BUT I'm thankful for a weekend to rest and for a husband who takes care of me and brings me tissues. 

As I was lying on the couch in all pathetic glory, I read this in my daily devotional...

"As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth.  His disciples asked him, "rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" 
"Neither the man nor his parents sinned" said Jesus "but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him."
-John 9:1-3

So that the works of God might be displayed in him....

God will use whatever situation, person or whatever He wants to bring HIM glory. Whether that be an illness, a missing limb, a terrible circumstance whatever you can think of I firmly believe that He will use as a testimony in one's life..(maybe even a cold ;) )

That's what I'm thankful for today

1 comment:

Patrick and Sear said...

Badda-bing, Badda-boom! So glad you are joining in! :) Hope you feel better soon!