That's right all you wonderful readers, we have just 6 days until our
Yard Sale for Adoption!!!!
There have been SO many wonderful donations, SO many thoughtful people (people we know and people we haven't met) SO much prayer and prep has gone into this sale (and we're still praying and prepping!)
This Saturday at 8 am our doors (well, yard) will open.
Stop by! Say hi!
Browse some awesome stuff!
Eat some yummy cotton candy and popcorn (maybe not at 8am, but you never know...)
Still have something you want taken off your hands?? Email me! We'll be picking up items until Friday this week, email me (stephLnunes@hotmail.com) if you have something you'd like us to take off your hands.
And if you think about it, please say a prayer for us this Saturday, it'll be an exciting day!
And ps: Thanks for your prayers for Justin, he's on the mend! Take that pneumonia!
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